Friday, March 25, 2011

BOC Week 11: A Photo of Nothing

The place has a home. I took a photo of the front doors of my home. I let the sunlight come in to show the shape, design and structure of the windows. The design on the windows are light so I let the contrast bring out those etches and the borders around the etches. The colors are kind of faint to show that the opacity makes from the windows. The windows show as slits to make it more hidden and want to make one look at the parts of the outside. I brought it at an angle and far so that the windows would show the soft opacity of the outside. With the etches, I brought out in one window to make it a variety of windows and the dimensions. I took it at an angle to show the dimensions of the texture you see just at a glance and know how the windows feel. It was taking in the morning so that I can get most of designs to show on the windows and the colors show faintly through them and it it more relaxed with no one around with the dimesions. The room inside the house I left dark because it is a house that is nice and hidden only revealed by those who come and visit and those who live there. The days are dreary at times and the nights are active at other times. I wanted to portray that the light coming in shows the window to the world and the inside is a hidden part of that world. I live in a place that is active with great caring family taking the house in its own care. We live in the nights and days we live out there.